The Ivory Tower - Are These My Akashic Records? Updated Thoughts----

Original Post May, 2018

Updates written in green.

Ivory tower

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term ivory tower originates in the Biblical Song of Solomon (7:4)[1] and was later used as an epithet for Mary. From the 19th century, it has been used to designate an environment of intellectual pursuit disconnected from the practical concerns of everyday life. In American English usage it is also used as shorthand for academia or the university.

This is another one of my crazy stories.......

Over the past decade of my life I have uttered the following phrase a million times, “You just can’t make this shi** up”! Once again today I find myself completely blown away at the way my human experience continues to show me in a BIG way that we are much much more than what is obvious to our worldly eyes. This is another one of my stories, a story of how one movement (yes) has led to the next moment and on to the next possible movement (yes). If you have listened to me speak or if I have had the pleasure of working with you, you know that I am a HUGE proponent of saying YES to our internal guidance system, even when it feels scary, uncertain, impossible or extremely uncomfortable. What I love love love about “Yesses” is that one yes leads to many outcomes; it is never a linear event.

Several months ago I said yes to a volunteer position. In fact I had a strange knowing that this position was going to be offered to me and that I should say yes. This was a stretch for me because I thought that I had given up on volunteering for these kinds of positions long ago. But here I was being asked by my universal guidance system to say yes, so I did. In November of last year a string of events (a string of yeses) transpired that had me thinking OH this is why I said yes to that volunteer position. I was more than satisfied with that outcome; I was thrilled to say the very least. But what happened a few weeks ago has me understanding that nothing is linear, nothing is about 1 event, 1 outcome or 1 yes, it is always an unfolding of our life progress. I know, I know I haven’t given you much yet; you want some meat to chew on unless you are vegetarian or vegan and you want a celery stalk to chew on. I’m tolerant and flexible, I can accommodate both.

Here we go…….so I’m doing what I am supposed to do at my monthly volunteer assignment. I am there to support someone who is leading a group and promoting their individual practice. I set up, break down, greet and become invisible for an hour and a half. The fun part is that I get to listen to the group leader and mildly participate in any activities, like guided meditations and so on. But, I do so with one eye open, because my “job” is the safety and comfort of the room, I am there to support not participate. In this particular circle, the participants were led to do three different closed eye meditations (journeys). Again I mildly participated in the first two, but somehow the last one got me, I was gone from that space and on to a spiritual vision.

I have to interject here that this is unusual for me, I do not get (or think I get) spiritual visions. My guidance system works differently and it usually happens with a Knowing, not a full on VISION. The other part to this is that the VISION I had does not go along with how I participate in this illusion. I am going to mention the akashic records, and I want you to know that this is not a place or a topic I feel even remotely comfortable discussing but it is a part of the VISION I had so I will be referencing them.


(we are instructed by the group leader to go to our akashic records to access information that we may need in this moment) Instantly, I see a massive, brilliant white, marble building in the sky, kind of sitting or surrounded in clouds. There is a steep and wide staircase, as wide as the building leading up to golden doors that seem to go on forever reaching up into the sky. The doors open as my presence approaches, (I seem to be flying, floating or gliding as if on a magic carpet). I check in with a Being, I state my name “Virginia Adams, to see my records please”. She/It nods and says to a guide who I perceive but do not see, “take her to room 333-10490249”. (she actually says the word "dash" 333 dash 1049....., don’t ask me why I remember the number, I just don’t know why, but I do!) I am instantly in a space or a white room, at first I do not see anything but white. I say “I would like to know what I have forgotten”. I then see walls of books as high as the sky, vast beyond belief. A booming voice strongly states “HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHO YOU ARE? You helped tear down this IVORY TOWER”, then all of the books and shelves within that space started to tumble down on top of me leaving a gaping hole where there was nothing or maybe an opening to infinity and beyond. I am startled and in shock by the voice and what was happening in the space. (then I hear the group leader, call us back) .

I open my eyes and realize I that my consciousness had completely left that space during the meditation , I was shaking, my heart was racing. What had I just seen? What in the world had just happened? The leader asked the group if anyone had seen anything. I tried to relay what had just transpired but I did not have words for the experience quite yet.

What does it all mean? For each of you reading this you might have an interpretation of my vision, in fact I was really, really tempted to reach out to a physic medium friend of mine for her interpretation. But I stopped myself. The lessons that I have learned thus far in my journey have been instructing me to always look within for the answers and then reach out to others for support or confirmation. So I have been sitting with this vision for a few weeks.

My interpretation:

Everyone is special, therefore no one is special.

–Eric Pearl

The Ivory Tower represents to me the human tendency to want to prove, show or be better than, more educated than, more experienced than and/or more enlightened than. On the other side of the spectrum is to experience unworthiness because of these unfounded comparisons. We see this in the secular world and unfortunately this tendency permeates the spiritual world, or the so called AWAKEN world. But my Knowing tells me that this is all an ILLUSION. There is no-thing that can amplify or diminish my connection and perfection. I AM one with my creator even if I have never picked up a book, attended a seminar/training, obtained a degree or spent 30 years acquiring experience in the art of healing. The one and only thing that separates any of us from our SUPER NATURAL power is the illusion of separation. All that we have to do is remember who we truly are. We are the essence of pure love. Nothing more nothing less. Within that essence is the power to BE whole.

New Understanding:

In my intuitive work I do not systematically use the "Akashic Records", or better said I do not knowingly use the Akashic Records. Recently I had lunch with another practitioner who is trained and does use these records in her work. Even though we were not directly discussing our intuitive work, I found myself saying to her, "What if we (humanity) were to find out that it is ALL part of the illusion, even our karma and/or Akashic Records." I went on to say that I am coming to a place in my understanding that the concept of karmic past is a linear interpretation of the Multi-verse. As I said this she said with a giggle in her voice, "Well that would ruin my practice".

The way that my minds eye is showing me or demonstrating to me the concept of multiple lives is more of a simultaneous broadcast on different stations or like side-by-side lives. Multi-dimensional lives working on different aspects of our evolution. Now lets add another layer to the crazy craze, we are acting out different personalities/personas in each layered life. In one I am the abuser, in the other I am the victim, in one I am the hero, in the other I am the villain and so on. All lives working towards the Remembrance that we or I have never been separate or that there is separatism or NON Duality. The profound concept of Oneness.

For me the Akashic Records is the Quantum Field. Where there is no beginning, no end. The information found there is the "All That IS". Within the Field of ALL is only ONE universal knowledge. It so extremely simple it feels stupid. The Holy Crap answer is to dissolve (tear down) the concept of separatism and step into our non-duality selves. When I look into your eyes I know that I am looking into an aspect of Source which means I am looking into my own eyes.

So I stand here today and ask you, is there anything in the records of your souls journey that can help you KNOW that you are ONE with your creator? Is there any past pain or suffering that will lead you to your KNOWING that you are and have always been PERFECT and that the illusion of this world with all of it’s wounds would only have you forget this? Tear down the walls of illusion, “The Ivory Tower” and step into the vast space of expansion where you do not need to figure out or fix anything. You just simply need to remember.

It’s time to WAKE UP now.

Virginia Adams is a Reconnection-Certified Practitioner and Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner, Intuitive Mentor, Author, Artist and Creator of the Universal Gravity Code Program. Virginia is a well-known motivator and healthcare practice administrator for over 28 years. Her dedication, integrity, and intuitive nature have positively impacted many individuals and healthcare practices around the world. Years ago, Virginia received what she feels was a divine mandate to “Heal the Healer”. Until that moment, she had described herself as a practical and methodical administrator. The seed planted by that mandate sent her on a path of discovery, ultimately leading to the opening of her Reconnective Healing® healthcare practice.

Reconnective Healing® is known to transcends traditional energy healing techniques. It is neither a therapy nor a treatment. People experience physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing during these sessions.

“Today I stand in immense gratitude for where my life path has guided me. Allow me to participate in your transformation from a fear-based life to one grounded in LOVE. You are LOVE! Tap into your inner wisdom and discover that you are your own expert. I remain honored and blessed” – Ginger
