Transformation Starts Here
Facilitating Emotional, Spiritual & Physical Healing
Reconnection-Certified Practitioner
Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner

What in the world, I know, I know!!
I am a firm believer that you gotta go where Spirit has directed. It just happens that Spirit has lead me to a coffee cup. I have been facilitating these readings for friends and family members for a couple of years now. Recently I have been urged to share it with the public so here it is on my website.
This is how it works.
We schedule a time that you concentrate on a specific question or you can simply ask what Spirit would like you to know.
Shhh I don't want to know the question. Then I will proceed with a reading. It usually takes me 24-48 hours to finish
the written interpretation of the reading.
I will email you the results. It's that simple
First hit the the Buy Now, then place your order by hitting the button. I look forward to sharing a cup of brew with you.
This is what you will receive.
Vente An in-depth reading and interpretation. Rich with symbols for you to muse over, savor and to use as a "Synchronicity GPS". Good to the last drop.
Grande A medium size indulgence into the current of possible answers and paths.
Tall A tantalizing taste of the world of symbolism and synchronicity.

Virginia Adams, The Reconnection, LLC. and anyone associated with this work, inclusive of, but not limited to The Reconnection® and/or Reconnective Healing ®, make no specific claims, promises or guarantees, and are neither diagnosing nor treating any specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for seeking and continuing your medical care with appropriate licensed healthcare providers. Please do not change or discontinue any medical therapy without first seeking the advice of your licensed physicians. When providing this work, Virginia Adams is serving SOLELY as your practitioner of Reconnective Healing® and not as your medical provider. Intuitive Readings are for entertainment purposes only and it is by your own free will that you have decided to participate in said consultation or otherwise.