Heal Yourself, Heal Others
"Heal Others, Heal Yourself"- Dr. Eric Pearl

Can you name a book that has completely transformed your life? Most people can look back and name at least one. I have several and have even listed them on the back of my business card. The transformation I experienced from the content of those books continues to transpire each day. I will be referring to two of those books as I write today.
I have accomplished many goals and achievements in my life by setting my sight on something and then with all of my force pushing through until I received the satisfaction of completion. I did this with my training in TCI (Therapeutic Crisis Intervention) Train-The-Trainer program with Cornell University, moving beyond the limitations of my lack of education in this field, to become the trainer for Social Workers, Counselors, and Psychologists. Again I pushed through to become a "Certified Medical Practice Administrator" with the majority of the candidates having an advanced degree in this field. Somehow I have always figured out a way to teach myself and absorb knowledge from my interactions with others.
I mention these accomplishments not to boast but to give you a feel for my tenacity when I want something. The interesting part is, as I chalked up my accomplishments and climbed my personal corporate ladder I was abandoning myself. The two things I wanted to do more than anything in the world were to create art and write. For some unknown reason, I had convinced myself that I was not worthy or capable of doing either and most importantly that I could not make a decent living pursuing those passions. I dabbled in creative projects only to discount them as "not being good enough". I don't know who they weren't good enough for except for my ego. Instead of finding the joy of creation I was beating myself with thoughts of inadequacy. Then all of that changed!
On January 1, 2015, I listened to my first musical rendition of the lessons from "A Course in Miracles" created by James Twyman. I spent the rest of that year listening and practicing each lesson. When the year was up I purchased the six-disc condensed version of the lessons and I listened to them in the car as I commuted around the Chicagoland area. I desired no other commuting music but those six transformative discs.
While on vacation, in November of that same year (2015), I received an energy healing known as a Reconnective Healing. I did not know what to expect and really had no perceived reason to do so. It was offered to me by my soul-sister niece Kim and I thought, "why not".
When I returned home I purchased the audio version of the book "The Reconnection - Heal Others Heal Yourself." -Dr. Eric Pearl. I was so taken by that book that I listened to it three times in one weekend.
Did you notice that I said "listen" in both examples? I did not read either book with my eyes, I listened to someone else's voice speak the words. I was absorbing information through an auditory interaction with both books. I find this fascinating. I don't know what it means but I do know that my strongest intuitive gift is clairaudience. This is how I access "Universal Knowledge."
Through those auditory interactions came the gifts. I heard the vibration of the ACIM Musical Lessons and KNEW that I could translate it onto a canvas. Stronger than the knowledge was the urge to do it NOW. Never before touching this medium, I converted 36 of those lessons into oil pastel paintings. Those vibrational energetic downloads came through in 30-60 minute sessions. I never once judge them, I just LOVED the process.
Then came the stories. I would hear/sense a story or a knowing and feel the intense urge to write it down. When I would go back and read them I would be astonished of the wisdom coming through. I had never dared to write or share my innermost intimate thoughts in written form. Now I was thrilled and moved to tears by what was coming forth and I was compelled to begin sharing those words with the world.
Much has transpired since then. I left my lucrative career to create a new way to interact in my world. I continue to create with paints, pens, words, vibrations, you name it, I am in a state of allowing.
Oh yeah here is another crazy evolution. I almost forgot to mention it. In my previous life as an administrator, I vehemently refused to do any Social Media and was very reluctant to participate in websites and email blasts because of a deep-seated fear of failure. Now I am all in. I create websites for small businesses, I am movin and grovin with my social media presence and I support others in creating their own presence. Who da Thunk!
Where did all of that fear of failure go? All in all, I have discovered that the more I am authentically me, following my passion and standing strong in my personal integrity, I align with Source Energy and connect to Divine Potentiality! There are no limits to what I can create except for the ones I place on myself. As I heal myself I become the healer of my world and anyone I enter into an authentic relationship with.
During the past seven months, I created a group of watercolors I call "The Characters." These characters have supported me in celebrating my life progress and in healing old and new wounds. In all of my creative work, there is a healing energetic vibration attached. As I sat in the Reconnective Healing frequencies in a self-healing interaction the characters came forth. The more I was struggling the funnier the characters became.
I now know that they were given to me to share with the world. I recently created a deck of cards with 36 images. These cards will be known as "Story Tellers." My vision is for these images to be used in a therapeutic setting as a tool to open a dialogue with children who are struggling with expressing their emotions and/or stories. The card deck does not have any words, just images so that the user has the freedom to create their own authentic story. Currently, three mental health care practitioners are testing them with their patients. I can't wait to put them in the hands of teachers, counselors, parents, and therapists.
As you heal yourself, you create a space for others to heal. Self-care and Self-love is the catalyst for the salvation of our world.
Virginia Adams is a Reconnection-Certified Practitioner and Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner, Intuitive Mentor, Author, Artist and Creator of the Universal Gravity Code Program. Virginia is a well-known motivator and healthcare practice administrator for over 28 years. Her dedication, integrity, and intuitive nature have positively impacted many individuals and healthcare practices around the world. Years ago, Virginia received what she feels was a divine mandate to “Heal the Healer”. Until that moment, she had described herself as a practical and methodical administrator. The seed planted by that mandate sent her on a path of discovery, ultimately leading to the opening of her Reconnective Healing® healthcare practice. Reconnective Healing® is known to transcends traditional energy healing techniques. It is neither a therapy nor a treatment. People experience physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing during these sessions.
“Today I stand in immense gratitude for where my life path has guided me. Allow me to participate in your transformation from a fear-based life to one grounded in LOVE. You are LOVE! Tap into your inner wisdom and discover that you are your own expert. I remain honored and blessed” – Ginger