Transformation Starts Here
Facilitating Emotional, Spiritual & Physical Healing
Reconnection-Certified Practitioner
Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner
​Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing® is often a life-changing experience, allowing for the healing of body, mind, and spirit, restoring optimal health, balance, and vitality at a profound level.
What is Reconnective Healing?
"Reconnective Healing® is a return to Wholeness, it is Life Progress. At the forefront of its field, it is a new level of healing that scientists and researchers feel we can access for the very first time. Reconnective Healing® completely transcends traditional energy healing techniques. It allows us to let go of the concept, approach and even the need for technique itself while including the benefits of all known energy healing methods. It is neither a therapy nor a treatment, as it does not focus on symptoms. It is something much, much more.
Reconnective Healing® doesn’t require diagnosis, complicated steps, procedures or rituals. We simply interact with the Reconnective Healing frequencies, bringing about healing that are often instantaneous and tend to be lifelong. And the only tools required are your awareness, consciousness, and presence.
Reconnective Healing® is a return to an optimal state of balance that results from interacting with its fully comprehensive spectrum of frequencies consisting of energy, light and information. Recent studies have even shown that this spectrum brings about a distinctly beneficial transformation in our DNA. RH is received in it's highest form when we allow ourselves to release expectation. It restores coherence and harmony in our lives and transforms our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and in many ways that otherwise may seem impossible.
These new frequencies of healing and evolution first became known to the scientific community when discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl." -
What Happens During a Reconnective Healing Session?
Virginia will have you lie down on a comfortable massage table, fully clothed, you will be asked to close your eyes.
Reconnective Healing is no touch so Virgina's hands will not touch your body. As you relax on the table notice and observe what you are experiencing. Be in a state of expectancy rather than expectation, and have no attachment to the outcome. Your time on the massage table will be approximately 30 minutes, followed by a debrief of your experience, which often helps you recall and integrate more of your experience.
One, two or three sessions or what you determine right for you
45-60 minutes per session
May experience more than once
In-person or Distance
Personal Reconnection
A Personal Reconnection® is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience…
It is experienced in two sessions, either on consecutive days or with one day in between sessions, however, it continues to unfold for the rest of your life. It is a process that can reconnect you to a timeless system of intelligence.
"The Personal Reconnection utilizes the frequencies of Reconnective Healing, but is very precise and differs in its application. It is a focused formation, reconnecting the gridwork of your body to the ley lines of our planet, and Reconnecting these grids to the universal grid in all dimensions of time and space.
In your Personal Reconnection, you are reconnecting to a timeless system of intelligence, your master vibration, and your evolution. You are actively choosing to access all that you have learned throughout your lifetimes, in this dimension, and beyond. It is an ongoing process, and it will continue to unfold as you begin to make new choices on your life path, moving into your Life Progress. Many who have experienced their Personal Reconnection simply say, “Life is… easier”.
The Personal Reconnection is facilitated in two separate sessions on two separate days. Your second session must be completed within approximately three days after the first session. Receiving your Personal Reconnection is a choice. Not everyone chooses to shift their life at this accelerated pace. The Personal Reconnection is facilitated once in a lifetime." -
A Personal Reconnection® brings in “new” axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.
Once in a lifetime
45-60 minutes per session
May experience only once
In-person 2 consecutive days back to back
.....I know that as time went by, I became more and more aware of the peace I felt, and how any problem or circumstance that could be annoying, disturbing, traumatic in any way... for me in the past, it wasn't so anymore! And this persists until today! Since then, I just don't "lose my whits" anymore for anything! I might feel worried for a short while when a problem emerges... but then I just close my eyes, take a deep breath... and I feel calm and centered... and different solutions/options just pop up. "Ya no me enrollo por NADA"(now I am not bothered by anything) If I CAN... I celebrate. And if I CANNOT, I don't care! Since those sessions I just live a happier life, detached from everything and everyone. I feel "lighter" and just flow with the circumstances. Being "ligera de equipaje" (like Anthony De Mello no baggage) has been a continuous learning experience for me, especially with my two migration processes.
-Gisela G. E. Personal Reconnection 2009
Distance Healing
The same healing of body, mind and spirit that is facilitated in an "in person" session but is done from a far.
There are two ways I facilitate a Reconnective Healing Distance session. If you want to be aware of the session, we agree upon a specific time, where I spend 30 minutes with you in my consciousness, and the frequencies. You find a comfortable place to lie down or sit down and relax, let go for 30 minutes, while you simply notice and observe without judgment or intention; just giving the experience your attention. I call to confirm you are ready to begin, but do not remain on the phone. I call again at the end of the session to let you know the session is complete and to debrief.
Another way is for me to spend 30 minutes giving my attention to these frequencies and you, with you not knowing when that specific time is. This is often how I facilitate sessions when someone calls and requests that I do healing on a loved one or friend. You or the other person do not need to be lying down with your eyes closed. You carry on, doing whatever it is you are doing. The frequencies will not interfere with what you are doing.
This is also a great way to “gift” a friend. One need not know that a session is being facilitated. It is often said to be similar to saying a prayer for a friend. One does not ask someone for permission to say a prayer. Reconnective Distance Healing is much the same. The outcome will be the same as if in person and whether or not the person is aware of the session.
Can be facilitated anywhere, anytime
One, two or three sessions
May be experienced more than once
30-45 minutes per session
Benefits Can Include
More vitality
Peace of Mind
More life energy into your body and mind
Acceleration of your personal evolution
Ginger accepts all major credit cards through Square and PayPal.
Virginia Adams, The Reconnection, LLC. and anyone associated with this work, inclusive of, but not limited to The Reconnection® and/or Reconnective Healing ®, make no specific claims, promises or guarantees, and are neither diagnosing nor treating any specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for seeking and continuing your medical care with appropriate licensed healthcare providers. Please do not change or discontinue any medical therapy without first seeking the advice of your licensed physicians. When providing this work, Virginia Adams is serving SOLELY as your practitioner of Reconnective Healing® and not as your medical provider.