Transformation Starts Here
Facilitating Emotional, Spiritual & Physical Healing
Reconnection-Certified Practitioner
Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner
OH Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy!!!!
We are winding up and ready to shoot for the moon.
Christina Hladnik and Ginger Adams have teamed up to color your world with light and love. Watch for our Facebook page announcements and e-mails for information about our upcoming events.
You won't want to miss a one!
A Reflection of YOUR Magnificence
A Healing * A Painting
Distant or In Person Reconnective Healing with an
Ginger facilitates a Reconnective Healing Session while Christina paints a reflection of the energy she senses in the room. The results of these unique paintings are astounding. Each one has a personality all its own.
Christina Hladnik of Eye Am Creations is an instinctive artist and channeler of divine energy. Her mission is to spread love and light one piece of art at a time. Each piece that comes through Christina is a reflection of the soul of the person she is painting for. Sometimes this comes out in textures, words and/or colors.
Virginia “Ginger” Adams is a gifted Energy Healthcare Provider, Intuitive Coach. and Public Speaker. Her mission is to support others in transforming their lives from fear based to one that is grounded in love. She is a Reconnection-Certified Practitioner and a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner. Reconnective Healing is neither a therapy nor a treatment, as it does not focus on symptoms. ... It is a comprehensive healing approach free of the rituals and techniques.