True Identity Theft - Hatefield vs. McPlayincoy
Ah oh her goes my wild imagination again. Down through history, there has been family feuding. Some more famous than others. In all...

The Story of Emi Empath - An Inner Children's Story
She was born a beautiful, content, sweet fuzzy baby. Probably the most content baby to ever grace the earth.
She hardly ever made a sound,

Tilt Your Head Back
"When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky." - Buddha

I am on a Roll - God is God
God is God (please insert the term you use for your higher power) If God is but Love, therefore, so am I. – ACIM God is God. As those...

Energetic Vehicles - Observership
It is with the use of this vehicle that I can participate and be fully present in the now.
Despite Your Hairy Armpits
Gazing out the window with sleepy eyes, I am mesmerized by the softly falling snowflakes. This is not what I anticipated seeing this...

Go To Your Room! - A Pandemic of Fear
A global “TIME OUT” … Alright now, alright now, I have had just about enough of this. I want you all to go to your respective bedrooms...

Heal Yourself, Heal Others
... The interesting part is, as I chalked up my accomplishments and climbed my personal corporate ladder I was abandoning myself.

I have heard, witnessed, and participated in using the word potential as a weapon or a means to get someone to do something ...

The Spoiled Brat Approach - Changing My Perception
Recently I had yet another Ah-Ha moment regarding my seemingly endless work regarding my worthiness or self-worth.