Psssst...... Turn Around
As with so many of my writings, this article came to me in a vision of sort. I actually see/hear a story on the screen of my imagination. Th

Knowing Your Knee Jerk Reaction - I Am Loved
What is your knee jerk reaction to crises or a 911 situation? Does it change based on the scenario, the people involved or the roll you...
As I sat in quiet contemplation today, I was gifted with a deep knowing. I struggle to find words to describe my experience. Sometimes...
Where Did the Shy Girl Go? - Overcoming Social Anxiety
Shy girl Drawing by Beena khan What purpose do synchronicities serve? Synchronicities are a clear sense that the universe is speaking to...

Ravens Talk "A Year Of Courage"
Life Progression! Transforming, transmuting and transitioning old thought processes to love of self